Wednesday, June 6, 2007

deep wishes

pentru ca am ramas datoare cu o leapsa, m-am gandit sa o prezint mai sugestiv.
1.chiar sweet

2.mi-as dori macar o data in viata sa fiu acolo

3. locul meu secret - dream house

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

de-a joaca

Submachine - Explore rooms and solve mind bending puzzles

nu mi-au placut niciodata jocurile pe internet, totusi azi a fost super fun la birou, mai ales ca am un mouse care se face prezent la fiecare click de 10 ori mai mult decat ar trebui si care evident ma da de gol.
mai sus e o mostra, enjoy!
descopeitor, inovator: Maria

Monday, June 4, 2007

me and Norah, we have history

miros de tei si gust de ceai negru, ciocolata, nopti albe si norah jones = feeling de sesiune, nu e urat, nici pe departe, e placut, e studentie.
in sesiunile trecute puneam in winamp lista 'muzica de sesiune' cu cele 4 albume Norah Jones, in cap imi batea o veioza ruginita cu un bec de 100, care imi ardea de fiecare data pernitele degetelor. si patul cu cearsaf albastru, cu ursuleti care plutesc printre stele l-am folosit in loc de birou. si maini amortite de nemiscare si pleoape inchise de somn si tresariri si ganduri, 'inca o pagina'. de ce nu e gust amar? pentru ca de fapt asta nu e amaraciune. e parte din anul 20 din viata mea.

imi place MOV

WARNING, by Jenny Joseph

When I am an old woman I shall wear purple
With a red hat which doesn't go, and doesn't suit me.
And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves
And satin sandals, and say we've no money for butter.
I shall sit down on the pavement when I'm tired
And gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells
And run my stick along the public railings
And make up for the sobriety of my youth.
I shall go out in my slippers in the rain
And pick the flowers in other people's gardens
And learn to spit.

You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat
And eat three pounds of sausages at a go
Or only bread and pickle for a week
And hoard pens and pencils and beermats and things in boxes.

But now we must have clothes that keep us dry
And pay our rent and not swear in the street
And set a good example for the children.
We must have friends to dinner and read the papers.

But maybe I ought to practice a little now?
So people who know me are not too shocked and surprised
When suddenly I am old, and start to wear purple

poate nu sunt singura pe lumea asta care cauta un remediu anti-depasire, anti-limitare, anti-plafonare. in cazul meu se poate adauga si anti-rational. :P imi auto impun ziua mov o data pe saptamana, cand fac doar ce imi place. pentru ca stiu ca nu se poate tot timpul. se mai baga cineva?

Sunday, June 3, 2007

s-au gandit la mine

eu raspund de multe ori cu 'nu stiu. ce vrei tu', 'nu conteaza', 'ce iti place tie', etc. asta pentru ca m-am plictisit de toate bauturile racoritoare, sucuri naturale, tea-uri de toate culorile..."Taking the surprise economy to another level, Singapore beverage company Out of the Box caters to consumers who respond to "What would you like to drink?" with a non-committal "anything" or "whatever". Two weeks ago, the company launched two complementary brands: Anything and Whatever. Anything is fizzy and comes in six flavours (Cola with Lemon, Apple, Fizz Up, Cloudy Lemon and Root Beer) and Whatever is non-carbonated (Ice Lemon Tea, Peach Tea, Jasmine Green Tea, White Grape Tea, Apple Tea, Chrysanthemum Tea).

The surprise part? Consumers don't know which flavour they're getting until they take a sip. Cans are simply labelled Anything and Whatever, and the list of ingredients is limited to generic wording: carbonated water, sugar, permitted flavouring, permitted colouring, preservative, tea extract, fruit juice concentrate. Judging from the buzz on Singapore forums, teens immediately got the concept and are loving it.

Novel product to launch elsewhere, as the drink for people who don't know what they want? The key, of course, is to produce products that are good enough to guarantee repeat sales. We think established food and beverage brands could have fun with this one, too, and would have the benefit of working from a brand consumers already trust. How about Snapple or Stonyfield Yoghurt marketing surprise six-packs filled with random flavours? Could be a good way to get customers to try new varieties of any FMCG.


Spotted by: Brenton Wong"



De mult timp se cerea acest post. Cei apropiati stiu de ce. Ma numesc Adela si sunt dependenta de Prison Break. Totul a inceput cand Andreea a venit la mine cu 2 DVD-uri cu un serial. In loc sa invatam evident ne-am asezat in fata calculatorului cu ceva de rontait si cu film. Nu stiam ce urma sa vad. Si apare...Wentworth Miller. Atat mi-a trebuit...intr-un weekend am vazut 22 de episoade. Am asteptat aprox 2 saptamani ca sa vad a doua serie, examene, presesiuni si alte lucruri i-au stat in cale. Acum sunt la episodul 7 din seria a doua si sincer singurul lucru care ma poate salva e ca filmul sa se termine. soon. acum tocmai vin de la un episod, vazut cu Kifluta. :) Nu e prima abatere, am mai avut 'pasiuni' si pentru Felicity sau Ed. Dar Prison Break le-a intrecut pe toate. Ciudat ca auzi intr-o zi pentru prima data numele Prison Break si a doua zi e pe buzele tuturor, ca si cand toata lumea stia numai eu nu.

Ink ceva...vineri am avut examen la Politologie si pana in ziua 0 (ziua dinaintea examenului) am servit cateva episoade din PB. Cand m-am apucat de invatat, peste ce credeti ca am dat.
1. in cartea "Cum functioneaza democratia", pagina 82 - "Toate cele 20 de regiuni au fost apreciate in funtie de amplitudinea facilitatilor statistice si informationake de care dispun. Pe ultimul loc se aflau 6 regiuni care nu aveau deloc facilitati, anume: ABRUZZI, Calabria, Campania..."
2. in "Modele ale democratiei", autor Arend Lijphart, pagina 100, note de subsol, "SCHOFIELD (foarte apropiat de Scofield), 1990, Strom si Lijphart..."
Semne? :P
Wentworth Miller (Michael SCOFIELD - Prison Break)